Monday N. Ozoya highlights challenges facing football development in Nigeria

The challenges facing football development in Nigeria today have been for decades. Moving forward to solving this problem is to look at the policies and how they are implemented.
It is high time we realise that the current structure is not delivering to Nigerians.

I believe it is time the NFF delivers football for all in Nigeria. Currently, it is football for a few.

Firstly, we need to break down how we deliver football:
⚽ Elite football (professional and semi-professional)
⚽ Amateur football (grassroots and community football)
⚽ Academy football (clubs and private)
⚽ Schools football

We currently have the State FAs managing the professional and the semi-professional football. There is a need to create Amateur football FAs, Academy FAs, and the School’s FAs.
With these FAs in place, we can maximise the benefits of football in the following ways:
🥊Roburst football economy
🥊Specialisation of the stakeholders/administrators
🥊Coaches and Referees development
🥊Facilities and Equipment
🥊Proper regulations and monitoring
🥊Ease of policy implementation.
🥊Attract investment and funds

As football administrators, what we need is to collaborate and offer solutions to our current challenges rather than to criticise without providing a solution.

We all love football; we must protect the game. I remain a grassroots football development advocate—every little help.

– Monday Nas Ozoya

Monday Nas Ozoya is an ACC United Kingdom Coordinator, Senior Special Counselor on Grassroots and Young Players Development, Divisional Secretary U10s & Committee Member, Salford and District Football League UK

©Credit: Unidan Kakwi (Scouting Coach)

1 thought on “Monday N. Ozoya highlights challenges facing football development in Nigeria”

  1. I just pick interest in what Monday Nas Ozoya delivered as an end of d year reality talk about d challenges facing Nigeria football development. Analytically,he had said it all and d next thing is basically d implementation. I am a grassroot coach and opted for ever before I hung my boot as a career footballer, because d grassroot discovered and a host of other football legends in Nigeria today and more so I got d passion to nurture and build to stardom as a career coach. I will summarize it in a simpler way that, if we neglect d grassroot that will be d end of our football. So prevention is better than cure. Pls help d grassroot coaches we are suffering, people who knows nothing about d game is getting richer everyday. Happy year to all grassroot coaches in Jesus precious name.

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